Welcome to Queripel and Company, more affectionately known as Q&Co!
Q&Co is an interior design company situated in Williamsburg, Virginia offering a turn-key service to our clients both in the United States and abroad. We hope that you find inspiration whilst perusing our website. May it spark that fire of excitement in imagining your spaces being transformed under our careful eye.
Take your time to view our creations, both past and present. Our website is a constant work in progress as we add new projects as they are completed, so please keep checking in to view our Residential and Commercial Project pages.
You may also like to whet your appetite by following us on social media and seeing all the behind-the-scenes images as well as other insightful snippets of information.
Get in touch with us today to see what we can do for you!
More reviews from our wonderful clientele are included on the Testimonials page.
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